
In Press

Grant, B. J., Fetterman, Z., Weyhaupt, M. B., Kim, M., & Tullett, A. M. (2017). It takes two: A replication. Journal of Research in Personality . ( PDF )

Feinberg, M., Tullett, A.M., Mensch, Z., Hart, W., & Gottlieb, S. (2017). The political reference point: How geography shapes political identity.
PLoS ONE , 12 (2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171497 ( PDF )

Hart, W., Richardson, K., Tortoriello, G., & Tullett, A. (2017). Strategically out of control: A self-presentational conceptualization of narcissism and low self-control.
Personality and Individual Differences , 114 , 103-107. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2017.03.046 ( PDF )

Tortoriello, G. K., Hart, W., Richardson, K., & Tullett, A. M. (2017). Do narcissists try to make romantic partners jealous on purpose? An examination of motives for deliberate jealousy-induction among subtypes of narcissism.
Personality and Individual Differences , 114 , 10-15. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2017.03.052 ( PDF )

Tullett, A. M., Hart, W. P., Feinberg, M., Fetterman, Z. J., Gottlieb, S. (2016). Is ideology the enemy of inquiry? Examining the link between political orientation and lack of interest in novel data.
Journal of Research in Personality , 63 , 123-132. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2016.06.018 ( PDF )

Tullett, A. M. & Plaks, J. E. (2016). Testing the link between empathy and lay theories of happiness.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , 42 (11), 1505-1521. doi: 10.1177/0146167216665092 ( PDF )

Hart, W., Adams, J., & Tullett, A. (2015). “It’s Complicated” – Sex differences in perceptions of cross-sex friendships.
The Journal of Social Psychology , 00 , 1-12. doi: 10.1080/00224545.2015.1076762 ( PDF )

Tullett, A. M. (2015). In search of true things worth knowing: Considerations for a new article prototype.
Social and Personality Psychology Compass , 9 (4), 188-201. doi: 10.1111/spc3.12166 ( PDF )

Randles, D., Inzlicht, M., Proulx, T., & Tullett, A. M. (2015). Is dissonance reduction a special case of fluid compensation? Evidence that dissonant congnitions cause compensatory affirmation and abstraction.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 108 (5), 697-710. doi: 10.1037/a0038933 ( PDF )

Teper, R., Tullett, A. M., & Page-Gould, E. (2015). Errors in moral forecasting: Perceptions of affect shape the gap between moral behaviors and moral forecasts.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin , 4 (7), 887-900. doi: 10.1177/0146167215583848 ( PDF )

Tullett, A. M., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., & Inzlicht, M. (2015). Right-frontal cortical asymmetry predicts increased proneness to nostalgia.
Psychophysiology , 52 , 990-996. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12348 ( PDF )

Tullett, A. M., Kay, A. C., & Inzlicht, M. (2014). Randomness increases self-reported anxiety and neurophysiological correlates of performance monitoring.
SCAN . doi: 10.1093/scan/nsu097 ( PDF )

Tullett, A. M., Prentice, M., Teper, R., Nash, K., Inzlicht, M., & McGregor, I. (2013). Neural foundations of meaning and threat. In K. Markman, T. Proulx, & M. Lindberg (Eds.).
The Psychology of Meaning . American Psychological Association. ( Book Link )

Tullett, A. M., Harmon-Jones, E., & Inzlicht, M. (2012). Right frontal cortical asymmetry predicts empathic reactions: Support for a link between withdrawal motivation and empathy.
Psychophysiology , 49 , 1145-1153. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2012.01395.x ( PDF )

Inzlicht, M., Tullett, A. M., & Good, M. (2011). Existential neuroscience: A proximate explanation of religion as flexible meaning and palliative.
Religion, Brain, & Behavior , 1 (3), 244-251. doi: 10.1080/2153599X.2011.653537 ( PDF )

Inzlicht, M., Tullett, A. M., & Good, M. (2011). The need to believe: A neuroscience account of religion as a motivated process.
Religion, Brain & Behavior, 1 (3), 192-212.

Inzlicht, M., Tullett, A. M., & Gutsell, J. N. (2011). Stereotype threat spillover: The short and long-term effects of coping with threats to social identity. In M. Inzlicht & T. Schmader (Eds.).
Stereotype Threat: Theory, Process, and Application . New York: Oxford University Press.

Inzlicht, M., Tullett, A. M., Legault, L. & Kang, S. K. (2011). Lingering effects: Stereotype threat hurts more than you think.
Social Issues and Policy Review, 5 , 227-256. ( PDF )

Tullett, A. M., Teper, R. & Inzlicht, M. (2011). Confronting threats to meaning: A new framework for understanding responses to unsettling events.
Perspectives on Psychological Science , 6 (5), 447-453. doi: 10.1177/1745691611414588 ( PDF )

Inzlicht, M. & Tullett, A. (2010). Reflecting on God: Religious primes can reduce neurophysiological response to errors.
Psychological Science , 21 (8), 1184-1190. doi: 10.1177/0956797610375451 ( PDF )

Tullett, A. M., & Inzlicht, M. (2010). The voice of self-control: Blocking the inner voice increases impulsive responding.
Acta Psychologica , 135 , 252-256. doi: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2010.07.008 ( PDF )

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